
jopen 9年前



Place aTelescopeLayoutat the root of your hierarchy.

Add a callback to the view group withsetLens(Lens). Telescope provides two default implementations:

  • EmailLens: Compose an email with the provided addresses and subject (optional).
  • EmailDeviceInfoLens: EnhancesEmailLensby pre-populating the email body with app and device info

Screenshots will be stored on the external storage in/Telescope/ To have Telescope clean up the screenshots folder, callTelescopeLayout.cleanUp(Context). Ideally, this would be called in theonDestroy()method of yourActivityorFragment.

If you are using the Gradle-based build system, you can wrap this view group around your activity layouts only in the debug builds.


Pre-KitKat,WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGEis required for saving screenshots. Screenshots can be disabled using the configuration options below.


The view group can be configured as follows:

  • Set the number of fingers to trigger withapp:pointerCount/setPointerCount(int)
  • Set the progress color withapp:progressColor/setProgressColor(int)
  • Disable screenshots withapp:screenshot/setScreenshot(boolean)
  • Screenshot children only withapp:screenshotChildrenOnly/setScreenshotChildrenOnly(boolean)
  • Set the screenshot target withsetScreenshotTarget(View)
  • Disable vibration withapp:vibrate/setVibrate(boolean)


Download the latest JAR or grab via Gradle:

compile 'com.mattprecious.telescope:telescope:1.4.0@aar'

or Maven:

<dependency>    <groupId>com.mattprecious.telescope</groupId>    <artifactId>telescope</artifactId>    <version>1.4.0</version>    <type>apklib</type>  </dependency>
