iOS Keychain的Swift封装:Locksmith

jopen 9年前

一个强大,面向协议的库,用于在Swift中能够使用 iOS Keychain 。


  • Locksmith’s API is both super-simple and deeply powerful
  • Provides access to all of the keychain’s metadata in a type-useful way viaResultTypeprotocols—save anNSDate, get anNSDateback (without typecasting!)
  • Add functionality to your existing types for free
  • Useful enums and Swift-native types



Locksmith is available through CocoaPods. To install Locksmith for Swift 2, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Locksmith'

Swift 1.2 support is available via the1.2.2branch.

Quick start

Save data

try Locksmith.saveData(["some key": "some value"], forUserAccount: "myUserAccount")

Load data

let dictionary = Locksmith.loadDataForUserAccount("myUserAccount")

Update data

  • as well as replacing existing data, this writes data to the keychain if it does not exist already
try Locksmith.updateData(["some key": "another value"], forUserAccount: "myUserAccount")

Delete data

try Locksmith.deleteDataForUserAccount("myUserAccount")
