Android颜色选择器:HSV-Alpha Color Picker for Android

jopen 10年前


Portrait Landscape Preferences


I couldn't find this combination of features in an existing library, which is why I wrote this one:

  • Alpha slider.
  • Text field to copy and paste hex color values.
  • Old and new colors displayed side by side.
  • Optional selection of "no color".
  • Proper behavior when orientation changes.
  • Up-to-date design.

In addition, the Hue-Saturation picker...

  • gives higher hue precision than a square picker of the same size.
  • allows easier selection of pure white than a circular picker.

Using the Library

Add the library dependency to your app module's build.gradle:

dependencies {      compile 'com.rarepebble:colorpicker:1.0.0'  }

Add jcenter() to your repository list if it isn't there already.

ColorPreference Usage

Add the ColorPreference to your preference screen xml. Don't forget the extra xmlns: declaration:

<PreferenceScreen      xmlns:android=""      xmlns:app="">        <com.rarepebble.colorpicker.ColorPreference          android:key="simplePreference"          android:title="@string/pref_title"          app:colorpicker_defaultColor="#f00"          />    </PreferenceScreen>

To use the "optional color" functionality, specify a button label for the "no colour" button:
    <com.rarepebble.colorpicker.ColorPreference          android:key="myOptionalColor"          android:title="@string/pref_optional_color"          app:colorpicker_selectNoneButtonText="@string/no_color"          app:colorpicker_noneSelectedSummaryText="@string/no_color_selected"          />

You can also specify some summary text to be shown when there is no color chosen, as in the example here. The "No color" choice is saved by removing the saved preference, so use SharedPreference.contains("myOptionalColor") to test for that.

ColorPickerView Usage

For many people, the ColorPreference will be all that's needed, but if you wish to use the ColorPickerView directly, it can be constructed in the usual way, either in code or in a layout. Set the initial color with setColor() and retrieve the view's current color with getColor():

final ColorPickerView picker = new ColorPickerView(getContext());  picker.setColor(0xff12345);  ...  final int color = picker.getColor();
