cqlkit 是一个CLI工具用于将Cassandra查询导出成CSV和JSON格式。
Here is a simple some examples.
Export JSON for the system columns in cassandra cluster.
cql2json -q "select * from system.schema_columns"
Export CSV for the system columns in cassandra cluster.
cql2csv -q "select * from system.schema_columns"
- Java8
- Download from release page.
- Unzip the package.
- Add$CQLKIT_PATH/binto the PATH environment variable
usage: cql2csv [-c contactpoint] [-q query] [FILE] File The file to use as CQL query. If both FILE and QUERY are omitted, query will be read from STDIN. -c <arg> The contact point. -cqlshrc <arg> Use an alternative cqlshrc file location, path. -h,--help Show the help and exit -H,--no-header-row Do not output column names. -k <arg> The keyspace to use. -l,--linenumbers Insert a column of line numbers at the front of the output. Useful when piping to grep or as a simple primary key. -p,--parallel <arg> The level of parallelism to run the task. Default is sequential. -q,--query <arg> The CQL query to execute. If specified, it overrides FILE and STDIN. -u <arg> The user to authenticate. -v,--version Print the version
usage: cql2json [-c contactpoint] [-q query] [FILE] File The file to use as CQL query. If both FILE and QUERY are omitted, query will be read from STDIN. -c <arg> The contact point. -cqlshrc <arg> Use an alternative cqlshrc file location, path. -h,--help Show the help and exit -j,--json-columns <arg> The columns that contains json string. The content would be used as json object instead of plain text. Columns are separated by comma. -k <arg> The keyspace to use. -l,--linenumbers Insert a column of line numbers at the front of the output. Useful when piping to grep or as a simple primary key. -p,--parallel <arg> The level of parallelism to run the task. Default is sequential. -q,--query <arg> The CQL query to execute. If specified, it overrides FILE and STDIN. -u <arg> The user to authenticate. -v,--version Print the version
Setup the cqlshrc
To connect to cassandra cluster, although we can use-cand-kto specify the contact server and keyspace respectively, to preapre a cqlshrc is recommended to simply your query. cqlshrc is used by cqlsh. cqlkit leverages this file to connect to your cluster. Here is the setup steps.
- Create the cqlshrc file at~/.cassandra/cqlshrc
Here is the example format.
[authentication] keyspace = system [connection] hostname = port = 9042 ; vim: set ft=dosini :