iOS 日期选择:PDTSimpleCalendar
PDTSimpleCalendar 是通过 UICollectionView 实现的 iOS 简单日历/日期选择器。
Upgrade Note
You should read the Release Notes when you upgrade to a newer version.
in yourPodfilejust add:
pod 'PDTSimpleCalendar', '~> 0.8.0'
then runpod install
And finally in your project import#import <PDTSimpleCalendar/PDTSimpleCalendar.h>
In yourCartfilesimply add:
github "jivesoftware/PDTSimpleCalendar" ~> 0.8.0
runcarthage update
Finally you need to add the built framework to your project. For more information about Carthage :
Warning: Carthage uses dynamic framework and will only work if your app targets iOS 8.0 or later.
If you don't like cocoapods or Carthage or Cocoapods-Rome, you can still import it usinggit submoduleor simply copy/paste all the source files inPDTSimpleCalendarto your project.
Customize it
- firstDate: When the calendar must starts. If you don't specify anything, it will default to the first day of the current month (based on[NSDate date]).
- lastDate: When the calendar must ends. If you don't specify anything, it will default to the last day of the next year (based onfirstDate).
- calendar: Which calendar to use for display and date calculations. You can set any calendar supported byNSCalendar. the default value will be[NSCalendar currentCalendar].
New in 0.6: if you specify a 'firstDate' and/or 'lastDate' the calendar will display the full month, but dates < firstDate or > lastDate will be disabled. You can see this behavior in the demo app.
You can change the display of the calendar usingbackgroundColor&overlayTextColorproperties onPDTSimpleCalendarViewController.
Other colors can be set using UIAppearance onPDTSimpleCalendarViewCell&PDTSimpleCalendarViewHeader
[[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setCircleDefaultColor:[UIColor whiteColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setCircleSelectedColor:[UIColor orangeColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setCircleTodayColor:[UIColor blueColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setTextDefaultColor:[UIColor redColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setTextSelectedColor:[UIColor purpleColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setTextTodayColor:[UIColor magentaColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewCell appearance] setTextDisabledColor:[UIColor yellowColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewHeader appearance] setTextColor:[UIColor redColor]]; [[PDTSimpleCalendarViewHeader appearance] setSeparatorColor:[UIColor orangeColor]];
Here is how it looks in the Producteev app: