Usage & Performance Considerations
jsmpeg-vnc.exe [options] <window name> Options: -b bitrate in kilobit/s (default: estimated by output size) -s output size as WxH. E.g: -s 640x480 (default: same as window size) -f target framerate (default: 60) -p port (default: 8080) Use "desktop" as the window name to capture the whole Desktop. Use "cursor" to capture the window at the current cursor position. Full Example: jsmpeg-vnc.exe -b 2000 -s 640x480 -f 30 -p 9006 "Quake 3: Arena" To enable mouse lock in the browser (useful for games that require relative mouse movements, not absolute ones), append "?mouselock" at the target URL i.e: http://<server-ip>:8080/?mouselock
For sharing the whole Desktop, Windows' Aero theme should be disabled as it slows down screen capture significantly. When serving a single window (e.g. games), Aero only has a marginal performance impact and can be left enabled.
Capturing and encoding 1920x1080 video narrowly amounts to 60fps on my system and occupies a whole CPU core. Capturing smaller windows significantly speeds up the process. Depending on your Wifi network quality you may also want to dial down the bitrate for large video sizes.