包含1000多个material矢量图标的安卓图标库。 特性:Android Studio 设计模式中可以实时预览与代码提示。 目前包括1170个图标,你可以在这里查看这些图标: https://materialdesignicons.com。 配置分分钟就可以完成。 大小为200kb(平均每个图标170比特)。
dependencies { compile 'net.steamcrafted:materialiconlib:1.0.3' }
<net.steamcrafted.materialiconlib.MaterialIconView xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" <!-- VERY IMPORTANT --> android:layout_width="48dp" android:layout_height="48dp" app:materialIcon="clipboard_arrow_down" <!-- This sets the icon, HAS AUTOCOMPLETE ;) --> app:materialIconColor="#fff" <!-- Sets the icon color --> app:materialIconSize="24dp" <!-- Sets the icon size --> android:scaleType="center" <!-- Centers the icon (all scale types supported) --> android:background="@android:color/darker_gray" android:id="@+id/icon" />
<net.steamcrafted.materialiconlib.MaterialIconView xmlns:app="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" <!-- VERY IMPORTANT --> android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:padding="12dp" <!-- now we use a padding to center the icon --> app:materialIcon="clipboard_arrow_down" <!-- This sets the icon, HAS AUTOCOMPLETE ;) --> app:materialIconColor="#fff" <!-- Sets the icon color --> app:materialIconSize="24dp" <!-- Sets the icon size --> <!-- scaleType is no longer required for this method --> android:background="@android:color/darker_gray" android:id="@+id/icon" />
// Sets the icon, all 1000+ icons are available inside the MaterialDrawableBuilder.IconValue enum yourMaterialIconView.setIcon(IconValue iconValue); // Sets the size of the icon to the default action bar icon size yourMaterialIconView.setToActionbarSize(); // Provide a dimension resource to use as icon size yourMaterialIconView.setSizeResource(int dimenRes); // Set the icon size using a value in dp units yourMaterialIconView.setSizeDp(int size); // Set the icon size using a pixel value yourMaterialIconView.setSizePx(int size); // Set the icon color yourMaterialIconView.setColor(int color); // Set the icon color using a color resource yourMaterialIconView.setColorResource(int colorRes); // Set the icon's alpha value (0-255) 0 for completely transparent yourMaterialIconView.setAlpha(int alpha); // Sets a custom colorfilter to the drawing paint (for the more advanced devs) yourMaterialIconView.setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf); // Clear the color filter set using above method yourMaterialIconView.clearColorFilter(); // Sets a custom paint style (for the more advanced devs) yourMaterialIconView.setStyle(Paint.Style style); // You can use any of the ImageView methods as well: yourMaterialIconView.setBackgroundColor(Color.WHITE) yourMaterialIconView.setScaleType(ScaleType.CENTER) // etc... That was easy, right? Next up the custom drawables, they are internally used by theMaterialIconView so you'll see that they share many of the same methods. The initialisation happens using the MaterialDrawableBuilder, which you can use to set all the properties of the drawable: // The method returns a MaterialDrawable, but as it is private to the builder you'll have to store it as a regular Drawable ;) Drawable yourDrawable = MaterialDrawableBuilder.with(context) // provide a context .setIcon(MaterialDrawableBuilder.IconValue.WEATHER_RAINY) // provide an icon .setColor(Color.WHITE) // set the icon color .setToActionbarSize() // set the icon size .build(); // Finally call build This will throw an IconNotSetException if you forget to provide an icon. Once you call build, your Drawable will be spit out and you are ready to use it everywhere you please! Setting it to a view is just as easy as with any other Drawable (e.g. for ImageView): yourImageView.setImageDrawable(yourDrawable); And that's all there is to it. Below are all the methods you can use with theMaterialDrawableBuilder for reference. // Sets the icon, all 1000+ icons are available inside the MaterialDrawableBuilder.IconValue enum builder.setIcon(IconValue iconValue); // Builds the drawable, this method always comes last ofcourse builder.build(); // Sets the size of the icon to the default action bar icon size builder.setToActionbarSize(); // Provide a dimension resource to use as icon size builder.setSizeResource(int dimenRes); // Set the icon size using a value in dp units builder.setSizeDp(int size); // Set the icon size using a pixel value builder.setSizePx(int size); // Set the icon color builder.setColor(int color); // Set the icon color using a color resource builder.setColorResource(int colorRes); // Set the icon's alpha value (0-255) 0 for completely transparent builder.setAlpha(int alpha); // Sets a custom colorfilter to the drawing paint (for the more advanced devs) builder.setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf); // Clear the color filter set using above method builder.clearColorFilter(); // Returns the alpha value builder.getOpacity(); // Sets a custom paint style (for the more advanced devs) builder.setStyle(Paint.Style style);