利用sections创建Android RecyclerViews的一个适配器:SectionedRecyclerView

jopen 10年前

SectionedRecyclerView是一个能够利用sections来创建Android RecyclerViews的适配器。提供headers 和 footers.


In order to use this library, you need to extendSectionedRecyclerView<H, VH, F>where:

  • His a class extendingRecyclerView.ViewHolderto hold the view for section headers.
  • VHis a class extendingRecyclerView.ViewHolderto hold the view for the regular items in the view.
  • Fis a class extendingRecyclerView.ViewHolderto hold the view for section footers.

According to the sample published in this repository:

  • 1. Create a class extendingSectionedRecyclerView:
public class CountSectionAdapter extends SectionedRecyclerViewAdapter<CountHeaderViewHolder,  CountItemViewHolder,  CountFooterViewHolder>
  • 2. Implement the corresponding methods:
@Override  protected int getItemCountForSection(int section) {      return section + 1;  }    @Override  protected int getSectionCount() {      return 5;  }    @Override  protected boolean hasFooterInSection(int section) {      return true;  }    protected LayoutInflater getLayoutInflater(){      return LayoutInflater.from(context);  }    @Override  protected CountHeaderViewHolder onCreateSectionHeaderViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {      View view = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.view_count_header, parent, false);      return new CountHeaderViewHolder(view);  }    @Override  protected CountFooterViewHolder onCreateSectionFooterViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {      View view = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.view_count_footer, parent, false);      return new CountFooterViewHolder(view);  }    @Override  protected CountItemViewHolder onCreateItemViewHolder(ViewGroup parent, int viewType) {      View view = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.view_count_item, parent, false);      return new CountItemViewHolder(view);  }    @Override  protected void onBindSectionHeaderViewHolder(CountHeaderViewHolder holder, int section) {      holder.render("Section " + (section + 1));  }    @Override  protected void onBindSectionFooterViewHolder(CountFooterViewHolder holder, int section) {      holder.render("Footer " + (section + 1));  }    protected int[] colors = new int[]{0xfff44336, 0xff2196f3, 0xff009688, 0xff8bc34a, 0xffff9800};  @Override  protected void onBindItemViewHolder(CountItemViewHolder holder, int section, int position) {      holder.render(String.valueOf(position + 1), colors[section]);  }

3. If you use aGridLayoutManager, you need to set it aSectionedSpanSizeLookupto make sure that headers and footers span the whole width of theRecyclerView:
GridLayoutManager layoutManager = new GridLayoutManager(this, 2);  SectionedSpanSizeLookup lookup = new SectionedSpanSizeLookup(adapter, layoutManager);  layoutManager.setSpanSizeLookup(lookup);  recycler.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);

  • 4. Your result will look like this:

SectionedRecyclerView screenshot
