CSCore - .NET 音频库
CSCore - .NET Audio Library
CSCore是一个免费的 .NET 音频库,完全采用C#开发。 它提供了非常多的功能如播放或捕获音频,各种不同格式的编码和解码器和效果。
Supported Features
Currently the following features are implemented:
- Realtime audio processing
- Process audio data in realtime
- Apply any processors in any order you want in realtime
- Create custom processors (e.g. effects, analyzes, decoders,...)
- Codecs *1
- MP3
- WAVE (PCM, IeeeFloat, GSM, ADPCM,...)
- AC3
- Raw data
- OGG-Vorbis (through NVorbis)
- Speaker Output
- WaveOut
- DirectSoundOut (realtime streaming)
- WASAPI (loop- and event-callback + exclusive mode available)
- XAudio2
- Recording
- WaveIn
- WASAPI (loop- and event-callback + exclusive mode available)
- WASAPI loopback capture (capture output from soundcard)
- DSP Algorithms
- Fastfouriertransform (FFT)
- Effects (Echo, Compressor, Reverb, Chorus, Gargle, Flanger,...)
- Resampler
- Channel-mixing using custom channel-matrices
- Generic Equalizer
- ...
- XAudio2 support
- XAudio2.7 and XAudio2.8 support
- 3D Audio support (see X3DAudio sample)
- Streaming source voice implementation allowing the client to stream any codec, custom effect,... to XAudio2
- Optimized for games
- Mediafoundation encoding and decoding
- DirectX Media Objects Wrapper
- CoreAudioAPI Wrapper
- Windows Multimedia Devices
- Windows Audio Session
- Endpoint Volume,...
- Multi-Channel support
- Flexible
- Configure and customize any parts of CSCore
- Use low latency values for realtime performance, high latency values for stability
- Adjust the audio quality
- Configure custom channel matrices
- Create custom effects
- ...
- Or simply: Make CSCore fit your needs!
- Tags (ID3v1, ID3v2, FLAC)
- Sample Winforms Visualizations
- Optimized performance though the usage of CLI instructions provided by a custom post compiler
*1 Some Codecs are only available on certain platforms. For more details, see Codeplex-Page.
Some projects using already using cscore:
- Dopamine: An music player which tries to keep listening to music clean and simple.
- Hurricane: Is a powerful music player written in C# based on CSCore sound library.
- Sharpex2D: A game engine which allows you to create beautiful 2D games under .NET for Windows and Mono compatible systems
- HTLED: A audio visualization displayed on a selfmade 32x16 LED matrix.
- ...
"CSCore - Visualization" Sample: