.NET 序列化生成库:SKGL

jopen 10年前

SKGL – Serial Key Generating Library 是简单的 .NET 序列化生成库。


  • 创建和验证人类可读的序列号密钥

  • 简单的 20 个字符格式:MUYVD-LSEBY-CXHRQ-XFAGY

  • 添加 8 个不同的特性

  • 设置时间限制 (最多 999 天)

  • 为特定机器设置 Lock keys

How to use

There are a lots of ways that you can use this library. First of all, you can use an already existing GUI that I did. Secondly, you can use the library by adding it as a reference into your project. Both these ways allows you to create, validate, and configure your keys.

In Software Protector you have two buttons: to create a key "Generate", and to validate a key "Validate"


However, you can also include the library into your project. This is how simple it is to create a key: (in Visual Basic)

However, you can also include the library into your project. This is how simple it is to create a key: (in Visual Basic)

Dim CreateAKey As New SKGL.Generate ' creating an object  CreateAKey.secretPhase = "My$ecretPa$$W0rd" ' adding a password  TextBox1.Text = CreateAKey.doKey(30) ' generating a key; 30 is the time left.

And this is how simple you can validate a key: (in Visual Basic)

Dim ValidateAKey As New SKGL.Validate ' create an object  ValidateAKey.secretPhase = "My$ecretPa$$W0rd" ' the passsword  ValidateAKey.Key = "LMFME-OTQAF-JVBUP-OKFGP" ' enter a valid key  Console.WriteLine(ValidateAKey.IsValid) ' check whether the key has been modified or not

Remember that the secretPhase should be the same in order to get a valid key.
