MUI 是一个轻量级的 HTML、CSS 和 JS 框架,遵循 Google 的 Material Design 设计思路。MUI CSS可以在使用SASS源码时,通过GitHub或Bower来轻松定制它。自定义的范围包括响应断点,默认字体设置和使用Material Design颜色等等。MUI CSS/JS并不依赖任何其他的程序。
MUI is designed from the ground up to be fast, small and developer friendly. By design it only includes the basic components you need to build a site that follows Google's Material Design guidelines. Some of the key features of MUI are:
- Small footprint: mui.min.css - 5.6K, mui.min.js - 3.7K (gzipped)
- A responsive grid to make mobile-friendly sites
- No external dependencies
- CSS library that can be customized with your own colors
- JS library can be loaded asyncronously
- Email library for styling HTML emails
To get started using MUI, go to the MUI website to see examples and download boilerplate HTML.
Browser Support
MUI is tested and works in:
- IE10+
- Latest Stable: Firefox, Chrome, Safari
- iOS 6+
Development Quickstart
Install dependencies
- nodejs (http://nodejs.org/)
- npm (https://www.npmjs.org/)
- sass (http://sass-lang.com/)
- http-server (via npm)
Clone repository
$ git clone git@github.com:muicss/mui.git $ cd mui
Install node dependencies using npm
$ npm install
Build examples
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp build-examples
To view the examples you can use any static file server. To use the nodejs
module:$ npm install http-server $ ./node_modules/.bin/http-server -p 3000
Then visit http://localhost:3000/examples
Watch changes and re-build
$ ./node_modules/.bin/gulp watch
示例 HTML:
<!doctype html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> <!-- load MUI --> <link href="//cdn.muicss.com/mui-0.0.1/css/mui.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="//cdn.muicss.com/mui-0.0.1/js/mui.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <!-- example content --> <div class="mui-container"> <div class="mui-panel"> <h1>My Title</h1> <button class="mui-btn mui-btn-primary mui-btn-raised">My Button</button> </div> </div> </body> </html>