用于提取主题色的 Node.js 三方包:Thmclrx
Thmclrx – 用于提取主题色的 Node.js 三方包 – 提取出来的主题色可以用于检索、分类,以及将提取的色板展现给用户看,就如 Dribbble 那样。并且该包目前用于花瓣网中,色彩搜索的颜色就是通过该包提取。
- Minimum Differ Algorithm
- Octree Algorithm
$ npm install thmclrx
There only three API in node.js now.
After version 0.2.0, we use a new memory pool for thmclrx.
octreeGetis to get the theme colors in an octree. The colors are unsertain but fidelity.
The function is like below:
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx"); thmclrx.octreeGet(file, [maxColors], [callback], [frameNumber]);
- file: it could be a local filename, remote url or even an image buffer.
- maxColors: count of max theme colors you want to extract. Defaults to 256;
- callback: it should be likefunction(err, colors) {}. Defaults to an empty function;
- frameNumber: the frame you want to extract. Usually used ingif. Defaults to 0.
mindiffGetis to get theme colors in minimum differ algorithm by passing a palette. The result theme colors are certainlly in your palette.
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx"); thmclrx.mindiffGet(file, [palette], [callback], [frameNumber]);
- file: it could be a local filename, remote url or even an image buffer.
- palette: palette is an array that in the struct of[ { r: .., g: .., b: .., }, { r: .., g: .., b: .. } ]. Default palette refers here.
- callback: it should be likefunction(err, colors) {}. Defaults to an empty function;
- frameNumber: the frame you want to extract. Usually used ingif. Defaults to 0.
UsingoctreeGetget the basic fidelity theme colors and then usingmindiffGetto standardize the fidelity theme colors to a certain palette.
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx"); thmclrx.mixGet(file, [firstStepMaxColors], [palette], [callback], [frameNumber]);
- file: same as the two functions above.
- firstStepMaxColors: same as themaxColorsinoctreeGet. Defaults to 256.
- palette: same as thepaletteinmindiffGet. Same default value.
- callback: same as the two functions above.
- frameNumber: same as the two functions above.
Clean memory pool inthmclrxC++ program.
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx"); thmclrx.cleanPool();
Normally, you do not need to call it.
If you want to use C++ API directly, you can refer to this.
This function is called inoctreeGetin node.js API.
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx/build/Release/thmclrx.node"); var colors = thmclrx.octreeGet(pixels, [maxColor]);
- pixels: this is an array in the struct of[ { r: .., g: .., b: .., }, { r: .., g: .., b: .. } ].
- maxColor: same as themaxColorsinoctreeGetof node.js API. Defaults to 256.
- @return: this function will return the theme colors.
This function is called inmindiffGetin node.js API.
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx/build/Release/thmclrx.node"); var colors = thmclrx.mindifferGet(pixels, [palette]);
- pixels: this may be same as thepixelsinoctreeGetof C++ API. Otherwise, it may be the result ofoctreeGetof C++ API.
- palette: same as thepaletteinmindiffGetof node.js API. Same default value.
- @return: this function will return the theme colors.
Clean memory pool.
var thmclrx = require("thmclrx/build/Release/thmclrx.node"); thmclrx.clearPool();
Normally, you do not need to call it.