面向科学数据集组件:.NET SDS

jopen 10年前

SDS (Scientific DataSet library and tools) 可以帮助 .Net 开发者读,写和分享各种常规的科学工具:标量,向量,矩阵和多维网络。SDS 支持 CSV, NetCDF 和其他文件格式。Reading a column from a .csv file

    DataSet ds = DataSet.Open("filepath.csv"); double[] data = ds.GetData<double[]>("ColumnHeader");
Storing a 3D grid with axes and metadata in a NetCDF file
   float[,] grid = new float[360,720];      double[] x = new double[360];      double[] y = new double[720];      // ... compute grid, x and y values      DataSet ds = DataSet.Open("filepath.nc?openMode=create");      ds.Add("grid", grid, "x", "y");      ds.Add("x", x, "x");      ds.Add("y", y, "y");      ds.PutAttr("grid", "units", "m/sec2");
