Chrome OS的一个Sublime文本编辑器:Caret
Caret 是一个运行于 Chrome OS的程序员编辑器。它基于Ace 编辑器组件构建,灵感来自于 Sublime。拥有有一些强大的特性:
- multiple cursors
- tabbed editing and retained files
- syntax highlighting and themes
- command palette/smart go to
- hackable, synchronized configuration files
- project files and folder view
You can also easily load Caret from source, either to hack around on or to have the absolute bleeding edge. You'll need to have Node and NPM installed first, then follow these steps:
- Clone this repo to your local machine
- Runnpm installto get the development dependencies (Grunt, LESS, and some other packages)
- Startgrunt, which will generate the CSS files from the LESS source
- Visitchrome://extensionsand enable Developer Mode.
- Still on the extensions page, click the button marked "Load unpacked extension..." and select the directory containing Caret's manifest.json.