
jopen 9年前



  • Asynchronous and synchronous functionality built in
  • Doesn't depend on external libraries (functionality is designed to complementnet/http)
  • Works with every version of Go from 1.3
  • Responses can be serialized into JSON and XML
  • Easy file uploads
  • Easy file downloads
  • Support for the following HTTP verbsGET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH, OPTIONS


go get -u github.com/levigross/grequests


import "github.com/levigross/grequests"

Basic Examples

Basic GET request:

resp, err := grequests.Get("http://httpbin.org/get", nil)  // You can modify the request by passing an optional RequestOptions struct    if err != nil {      log.Fatalln("Unable to make request: ", err)  }    fmt.Println(resp.String())  // {  //   "args": {},  //   "headers": {  //     "Accept": "*/*",  //     "Host": "httpbin.org",

We also support asynchronous functions that return aResponsechannel

respChan := grequests.GetAsync("http://httpbin.org/get", nil)      select {      case resp := <-respChan:          fmt.Println(resp.String())      // {      //   "args": {},      //   "headers": {      //     "Accept": "*/*",      //     "Host": "httpbin.org",      }

When making a asynchronous request, it is very important to check the.Errorproperty of theResponsee.g:
resp := grequests.GetAsync("http://httpbin.org/xml", nil)    if resp.Error != nil {      log.Fatalln("Unable to make request", resp.Error)  }
