自动化 UI 测试工具:Viff

jopen 10年前

Viff 测试框架,它可以不同环境(developing, staging, production)和浏览器下的 Web 页面的视觉差异。


Checkout viff-examples repository for more examples, including:

  1. Tiny CSS difference
  2. Chart difference
  3. Content difference
  4. Partial difference
  5. Event Handling
  6. Responsive
  7. Multiple browsers
  8. Multiple Environments
  9. Browserstack
  10. Programmable
  11. Using Viff Server (beta)


var Viff = require('viff');var viff = new Viff('http://localhost:4444/wd/hub');     viff.takeScreenshot('firefox', 'http://localhost:3000', '/path1', function (bufferImg)   {  /* buffer of images */  });  // partial of web pages  viff.takeScreenshot('firefox', 'http://localhost:3000', ['path1', '#css-selecor'],   function (bufferPartialImg) {});  // responsive of web pages  function size(width) {  return function (driver) {      driver.setWindowSize(width, 600 /* any height*/);    };  }     viff.takeScreenshot('firefox', 'http://localhost:3000', ['path', size(1024)],   function (bufferImg) {});  // Q promiseviff.takeScreenshot('firefox', 'http://localhost:3000', ['path', size(1024)])    .done(function (bufferImg)   {    /* generate image here */    })    .catch(function (err)   {    /* handle err here */    })  // using browser  stackviff = new Viff('http://hub.browserstack.com/wd/hub');  viff.takeScreenshot({  'browserName' : 'iPhone',  'platform' : 'MAC',    'device' : 'iPhone 5',  'browserstack.user': /* your name */,    'browserstack.key': /* your key */},   'http://www.google.com', 'path1', function (bufferImg) {});

自动化 UI 测试工具:Viff
