
jopen 10年前






  1. 新你的项目的文件夹project
  2. 进入文件项目文件夹添加文件build.gradle,并加入: 
    apply from: 'http://www.tellurianring.com/projects/gradle-plugins/gradle-templates/1.3/apply.groovy'
  3. 运行gradle initJavaProject

用到的第三方插件:gradle-templates :


createGradlePlugin - Creates a new Gradle Plugin project in a new directory named after your project.  createGroovyClass - Creates a new Groovy class in the current project.  createGroovyProject - Creates a new Gradle Groovy project in a new directory named after your project.  createJavaClass - Creates a new Java class in the current project.  createJavaProject - Creates a new Gradle Java project in a new directory named after your project.  createScalaClass - Creates a new Scala class in the current project.  createScalaObject - Creates a new Scala object in the current project.  createScalaProject - Creates a new Gradle Scala project in a new directory named after your project.  createWebappProject - Creates a new Gradle Webapp project in a new directory named after your project.  initGradlePlugin - Initializes a new Gradle Plugin project in the current directory.  initGroovyProject - Initializes a new Gradle Groovy project in the current directory.  initJavaProject - Initializes a new Gradle Java project in the current directory.  initScalaProject - Initializes a new Gradle Scala project in the current directory.  initWebappProject - Initializes a new Gradle Webapp project in the current directory.


  1. 使用application插件:apply plugin: 'application'
  2. 设置主函数:mainClassName = "WebTest"
  3. 运行gradle run

Gradle 任务


task hello


task hello << { println "hello" }


task hello { doLast { println "hello" }  }


def printTaskName = { task -> println "Running ${task.name}" } task 'five' { doFirst printTaskName  } task 'two' << printTaskName


task hello <<{ println "hello" } task world <<{ println "world" }


hello world


task first { doFirst ( new Action(){ void execute(task){ println 'Running ${task.name}' }             }      )  }


defaultTasks 'first', 'second' task first { doLast { println "I am first" }  } task second { doFirst { println "I am second" }  }



task initializeDatabase  initializeDatabase << { println 'connect to database' }  initializeDatabase << { println 'update database schema' }  initializeDatabase { print 'configuring' }  initializeDatabase { println 'database connection' }


print 'configuring' 
println 'database connection' 
println 'connect to database' 
println 'update database schema'

配置闭包将会在Gradle的配置期(configuration lifecycle phase)执行。




dependsOn(task) 设置依赖task

// Declare that world depends on hello // Preserves any previously defined dependencies as well task loadTestData {      dependsOn createSchema  } // An alternate way to express the same dependency task loadTestData {      dependsOn << createSchema  } // Do the same using single quotes (which are usually optional) task loadTestData {      dependsOn 'createSchema' } // Explicitly call the method on the task object task loadTestData    loadTestData.dependsOn createSchema // A shortcut for declaring dependencies task loadTestData(dependsOn: createSchema)


// Declare dependencies one at a time task loadTestData {      dependsOn << compileTestClasses      dependsOn << createSchema  } // Pass dependencies as a variable-length list task world {      dependsOn compileTestClasses, createSchema  } // Explicitly call the method on the task object task world  world.dependsOn compileTestClasses, createSchema // A shortcut for dependencies only // Note the Groovy list syntax task world(dependsOn: [ compileTestClasses, createSchema ])



task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'load test data' }  setupDatabaseTests.doFirst { println 'create database schema' }  setupDatabaseTests.doFirst { println 'drop database schema' }    $ gradle world  :setupDatabaseTests  drop database schema  create database schema  load test data


// Initial task definition (maybe not easily editable) task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'load test data' } // Our changes to the task (in a place we can edit them) setupDatabaseTests { doFirst { println 'create database schema' } doFirst { println 'drop database schema' }  }


task setupDatabaseTests << { println 'create database schema' }  setupDatabaseTests.doLast { println 'load test data' }  setupDatabaseTests.doLast { println 'update version table' }

onlyIf(closure) 只有在onlyIf返回true时才运行task

task createSchema << {      println 'create database schema' }  task loadTestData(dependsOn: createSchema) << {      println 'load test data' }  loadTestData.onlyIf { System.properties['load.data'] == 'true' } $ build loadTestData  create database schema :loadTestData SKIPPED $ gradle -Dload.data=true loadTestData :createSchema create database schema :loadTestData load test data


  • didWork

    apply plugin: 'java' 
    task emailMe(dependsOn: compileJava) « {

    if(tasks.compileJava.didWork) { println 'SEND EMAIL ANNOUNCING SUCCESS' }


  • enabled

    task templates « {

    println 'process email templates' 

    task sendEmails(dependsOn: templates) « {

    println 'send emails' 

    sendEmails.enabled = false

  • path,指此task的在构建文件中的路径

    task echoMyPath « {

    println "THIS TASK'S PATH IS ${path}" 


    $ gradle echoMyPath 
    THIS TASK'S PATH IS :echoMyPath


  • logger,实现的日志接口是:org.slf4j.Logger,同时有少量的日志级别添加。

    task logLevel « {

    def levels = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'LIFECYCLE', 'QUIET', 'WARN', 'ERROR']  levels.each { level ->      logging.level = level      def logMessage = "SETTING LogLevel=${level}" logger.error logMessage      logger.error '-' * logMessage.size()      logger.debug 'DEBUG ENABLED' logger.info 'INFO ENABLED' logger.lifecycle 'LIFECYCLE ENABLED' logger.warn 'WARN ENABLED' logger.quiet 'QUIET ENABLED' logger.error 'ERROR ENABLED' println 'THIS IS println OUTPUT' logger.error ' ' }


  • description

    task helloWorld(description: 'Says hello to the world') « {

    println 'hello, world' 


    task helloWorld « {

    println 'hello, world' 

    helloWorld {

    description = 'Says hello to the world'

    // Another way to do it 
    helloWorld.description = 'Says hello to the world'

  • temporaryDir 临时目录

  • Dynamic Properties 动态属性

    task copyFiles {

    // Find files from wherever, copy them  // (then hardcode a list of files for illustration)  fileManifest = [ 'data.csv', 'config.json' ]

    task createArtifact(dependsOn: copyFiles) « {

    println "FILES IN MANIFEST: ${copyFiles.fileManifest}" 


    $ gradle -b dynamic.gradle createArtifact 
    FILES IN MANIFEST: [data.csv, config.json]



def taskGroup = 'base' task first2(description: 'Base task', group: taskGroup) << { println "I am first" } task second2(dependsOn: first2, description: 'Secondary task', group: taskGroup) << { println "I am second" }

分组似乎只是用于gradle tasks时,显示更好看。因为同一组的任务分显示在一组里。


  • 使用onlyIf断言 

    task longrunning {      onlyIf { task -> def now = Calendar.instance def weekDay = now[DAY_OF_WEEK] def weekDayInWeekend = weekDay in [SATURDAY, SUNDAY] return weekDayInWeekend      } doLast { println "Do long running stuff" }  }
  • 实现Spec()方法

    def file = new File('data.sample') task 'handleFile' << { println "Work with file ${file.name}" }  handleFile.onlyIf(new Spec() { boolean isSatisfiedBy(task) { file.exists()        }  })
  • 抛出异常StopExecutionException

    def printTaskName = { task -> println "Running ${task.name}" } task first << printTaskName  first.doFirst { def today = Calendar.instance def workingHours = today[Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY] in 8..17 if (workingHours) { throw new StopExecutionException()      }  } task second(dependsOn: 'first') << printTaskName
  • 设置任务有效或者失效

    task 'listDirectory' { def dir = new File('assemble')      enabled = dir.exists() doLast { println "List directory contents: ${dir.listFiles().join(',')}" }  }
  • 使用命令行参数 -x

    gradle third -x second



task convert  { def source = new File('source.xml') def output = new File('output.txt') // Define input file inputs.file source // Define output file outputs.file output doLast { def xml = new XmlSlurper().parse(source)          output.withPrintWriter { writer ->              xml.person.each { person ->                  writer.println "${person.name},${person.email}" }          } println "Converted ${source.name} to ${output.name}" }   }


task createVersionDir { def outputDir = new File('output') // If project.version changes then the // task is no longer up-to-date inputs.property 'version', project.version      outputs.dir outputDir doLast { println "Making directory ${outputDir.name}" mkdir outputDir      }  } task convertFiles { // Define multiple files to be checked as inputs. inputs.files 'input/input1.xml', 'input/input2.xml' // Or use inputs.dir 'input' to check a complete directory. // Use upToDateWhen method to define predicate. outputs.upToDateWhen { // If output directory contains any file which name // starts with output and has the txt extension, // then the task is up-to-date. new File('output').listFiles().any {              it.name ==~ /output.*\.txt$/ }      } doLast { println "Running convertFiles" }  }


  • copy

    task copyFiles(type: Copy) { from 'resources' into 'target' include '**/*.xml', '**/*.txt', '**/*.properties' }
  • jar

    apply plugin: 'java' task customJar(type: Jar) {      manifest {          attributes firstKey: 'firstValue', secondKey: 'secondValue' }      archiveName = 'hello.jar' destinationDir = file("${buildDir}/jars") from sourceSets.main.classes  }
  • JavaExec 运行一个java类的main方法

    apply plugin: 'java' repositories {      mavenCentral()  } dependencies { runtime 'commons-codec:commons-codec:1.5' } task encode(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: classes) {      main = 'org.gradle.example.commandline.MetaphoneEncoder' args = "The rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain".split().toList() classpath sourceSets.main.classesDir classpath configurations.runtime }


  • 在构建文件中定义

    task createDatabase(type: MySqlTask) {

    sql = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS example' 

    task createUser(type: MySqlTask, dependsOn: createDatabase) {

    sql = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON example.* TO exampleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'passw0rd'" 

    task createTable(type: MySqlTask, dependsOn: createUser) {

    username = 'exampleuser'  password = 'passw0rd'  database = 'example'  sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users  (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(100))' 

    class MySqlTask extends DefaultTask {

    def hostname = 'localhost' def port = 3306 def sql def database def username = 'root' def password = 'password' @TaskAction def runQuery() { def cmd  if(database) {          cmd = "mysql -u ${username} -p${password} -h ${hostname} -P ${port} ${database} -e " } else {          cmd = "mysql -u ${username} -p${password} -h ${hostname} -P ${port} -e " }  project.exec {      commandLine = cmd.split().toList() + sql  }


  • 在源码树中定义


    task createDatabase(type: MySqlTask) { sql = 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS example' } task createUser(type: MySqlTask, dependsOn: createDatabase) { sql = "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON example.* TO exampleuser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'passw0rd'"  } task createTable(type: MySqlTask, dependsOn: createUser) { username = 'exampleuser' password = 'passw0rd' database = 'example' sql = 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS users (id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, username VARCHAR(100))'  } 


    import org.gradle.api.DefaultTask import org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskAction class MySqlTask extends DefaultTask { def hostname = 'localhost' def port = 3306 def sql  def database  def username = 'root' def password = password @TastAction def runQuery(){ def cmd  if(database){              cmd = "mysql -u ${username} -p${password} -h ${hostname} -P ${port} ${database} -e" }else{              cmd = "mysql -u ${username} -p${password} -h ${hostname} -P ${port} -e" }          project.exec{              commandLine = cmd.split().toList() + sql          }      }    }


  1. 在构建文件中的task代码块中
  2. 在buildSr文件夹中,此文件夹在.gradle文件同级
  3. 将分散的构建文件写入到主构建文件中
  4. 使用java或groovy写插件

Gradle 守护进程


通过Gradle 守护进程,只需要启动一次Java虚拟机,之后就可以再利用,无需再次重启Java虚拟机。这样就达到缩短构建时间的目的。

方法是在执行gradle命令时加上--daemon参数,或者-m参数。中止Gradle守护进程的方法是执行gradle -stop命令。



  1. initialization(初始化) 
  2. configuration(配置) 
    将所有的task对象装配到一个叫做DAG(for directed acyclic graph)的对象模型中
  3. execution(运行) 


  • 项目中默认的属性

    version = '1.0' 
    group = 'Sample' 
    description = 'Sample build file to show project properties' 
    task defaultProperties « {

    println "Project: $project" println "Name: $name" println "Path: $path" println "Project directory: $projectDir" println "Build directory: $buildDir" println "Version: $version" println "Group: $project.group" println "Description: $project.description" println "AntBuilder: $ant" println "customProperty: $customProperty" println "customProperty1: $customProperty1" println "customProperty2: $customProperty2" 


  • 在项目构建脚本中自定义项目属性

    ext.customProperty = 'customProperty'

    ext {

    customProperty1 = "customProperty1" customProperty2 = "customProperty2" 


  • 通过命令行设置项目属性

    gradle -Pversion=1.1 -PcustomProperty=custom showProperties

  • 通过系统属性设置项目属性

    gradle -Dorg.gradle.project.version=2.0 -Dorg.gradle.project.customProperty=custom showProperties

  • 通过引用外部配置文件设置项目属性 

  • 从其它构建文件读取配置信息

    • build.gradle 
      apply from: 'other.gradle'
    • other.gradle 
      println “configuring $project” 
      task hello « {
      println 'hello from other script'
  • 判断项目中是否有设置某个属性


  • </ul>






    configurations {      commonsLib { description = 'Common libraries' }      mainLib { description = 'Main libraries' extendsFrom commonsLib      }  } println configurations['mainLib'].name println configurations.commonsLib.name //取消间接依赖下载 dependencies { // Configure transitive property with closure. compile('org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.6.4') {          transitive = false } // Or we can use the transitive property // as method argument. compile group: 'org.slf4j', name: 'slf4j-simple', version: '1.6.4', transitive: false } //排除某个间接依赖 dependencies { // Configure transitive property with closure. compile('org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.6.4') { exclude 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api' }  } //当依赖需要不同版本的jdk时 dependencies { // Use artifact-only notation with @ symbol // together with classifier jdk16. compile('sample:simple:1.0:jdk16@jar') // Or we can use the classifier property // as method argument. compile group: 'sample', name: 'simple', version: '1.0',classifier: 'jdk16' } //依赖其它子项目 dependencies { compile project(':projectA') compile project(':projectB') {      c   onfiguration = 'compile' }  } //依赖文件或文件夹 dependencies { compile files('spring-core.jar', 'spring-aap.jar') compile fileTree(dir: 'deps', include: '*.jar')  }



    repositories {      mavenLocal()      mavenCentral()      maven { // Name is optional. If not set url property is used name = 'Main Maven repository' url = 'http://intranet/repo' }      mavenRepo(name: 'Snapshot repository', url: 'http://intranet/snapshots') //XML描述文件和jar包不在同一个地方的时候的定义方式: maven {  url: 'http://intranet/mvn' artifactUrls 'http://intranet/jars' artifactUrls 'http://intranet/snapshot-jars' } //有权限控制的仓库 maven(name: 'Secured repository') {          credentials {              username = 'username' password = 'password' }          url = 'http://intranet/repo' } //本地仓库 repositories {          flatDir(dir: '../lib', name: 'libs directory')          flatDir {              dirs '../project-files', '/volumes/shared-libs' name = 'All dependency directories' }      }    }


    gradle tasks --all 查看所有的可执行的任务

    gradle -m 查看可执行的任务
