Install theswiftcovcommand line tool by runninggit clonefor this repo followed bymake installin the root directory.
$ swiftcov help Available commands: generate Generate test code coverage files for your Swift tests help Display general or command-specific help version Display the current version of SwiftCov
Run the tests and generate code coverage files. You can write any xcodebuild command as arguments for testing your project.
$ swiftcov generate Usage: swiftcov generate [swiftcov options] xcodebuild [xcodebuild options] (-- [swift files])
$ swiftcov generate \ xcodebuild test \ -project Example.xcodeproj -scheme 'Example' \ -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator
Use the--outputparameter to specify a destination directory for the coverage files. If you think the coverage generation process is slow, you can specify thethresholdoption. It makes running faster to limit the count of the number of executions.
Currently, the default value of threshold option is 1 for performance reasons. Since some test cases may take a very long time generating coverage data, especially if some code paths are frequently hit (as is the case with loops).
$ swiftcov generate --output ./coverage --threshold 1 \ xcodebuild test \ -project Example.xcodeproj -scheme 'Example' -configuration Release -sdk iphonesimulator
- --output OUTPUT_DIRspecify output directory for generated coverage files.
- --threshold LIMIT_COUNTspecify the maximum number of hits you wish to measure. Reducing this number can drastically speed up SwiftCov.
- --debugOutput very verbose progress messages.
- -- [swift files]Pass a space-separated list of files for which to measure code coverage, with either relative or absolute paths, after the--at the end of your command.
Display general or command-specific help.
Display the current version.
How to run example project
$ make install $ cd Examples/ExampleFramework/ $ swiftcov generate --output coverage_ios \ xcodebuild test \ -project ExampleFramework.xcodeproj \ -scheme ExampleFramework-iOS \ -sdk iphonesimulator \ -configuration Release
Please see the generated coverage file!