
jopen 10年前



celery --help


Usage: celery <command> [options]
用法:celery 命令 选项

Show help screen and exit.

  -A APP, --app=APP     app instance to use (e.g. module.attr_name)-本次操作使用的App实例。
  -b BROKER, --broker=BROKER    -消息代理(服务器),用于传递数据的URL。
                        url to broker.  default is 'amqp://guest@localhost//'
  --loader=LOADER       name of custom loader class to use. - 自定义载入类的名称。
  --config=CONFIG       Name of the configuration module-配置模块的名称。
  --workdir=WORKING_DIRECTORY- 工作目录。
                        Optional directory to change to after detaching.
  -C, --no-color       -非彩色显示。
  -q, --quiet              -静默执行。
  --version             show program's version number and exit-显示版本号。
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit -显示本帮助。

---- -- - - ---- Commands-命令列表 -------------- --- ------------

+ Main-主要命令:
|    celery worker
|    celery events
|    celery beat
|    celery shell
|    celery multi
|    celery amqp

+ Remote Control-远程控制:
|    celery status
|    celery inspect --help
|    celery inspect active
|    celery inspect active_queues
|    celery inspect clock
|    celery inspect conf None
|    celery inspect memdump
|    celery inspect memsample
|    celery inspect objgraph None
|    celery inspect ping
|    celery inspect registered
|    celery inspect report
|    celery inspect reserved
|    celery inspect revoked
|    celery inspect scheduled
|    celery inspect stats
|    celery control --help
|    celery control add_consumer <queue> [exchange [type [routing_key]]]
|    celery control autoscale [max] [min]
|    celery control cancel_consumer <queue>
|    celery control disable_events
|    celery control enable_events
|    celery control pool_grow [N=1]
|    celery control pool_shrink [N=1]
|    celery control rate_limit <task_name> <rate_limit> (e.g. 5/s | 5/m | 5/h)>
|    celery control time_limit <task_name> <soft_secs> [hard_secs]

+ Utils-使用命令:
|    celery purge
|    celery list
|    celery migrate
|    celery call
|    celery result
|    celery report

+ Extensions:
|    celery flower
---- -- - - --------- -- - -------------- --- ------------

Type 'celery <command> --help' for help using a specific command.

键入'celery <command> --help'可以获得指定的命令的更详细的帮助信息。