源于Google的Material Design点击效果:Waves
Waves提供一种源于Google Material Design 的点击效果。
Waves using Situs to generate documentation. Here are some steps to run documentation locally on your computer,
- Make sure Node.js and Ruby installed in your computer.
- Install SASS via RubyGems (gem install sass).
- Install Situs globally via npm (npm install situs -g).
- Clone Waves's Github repository, if you haven't already (git clone https://github.com/fians/Waves.git).
- Runnpm installto install the necessary local node packages.
- Install grunt globally withnpm install -g grunt-cli.
- Rungruntto watch the directory, or simplygrunt buildto do a single build.
- Now just start Situs server (situs server), then visit http://localhost:4000/ on your browser.