源于Google的Material Design点击效果:Waves

jopen 10年前

Waves提供一种源于Google Material Design 的点击效果。

Waves using Situs to generate documentation. Here are some steps to run documentation locally on your computer,

  1. Make sure Node.js and Ruby installed in your computer.
  2. Install SASS via RubyGems (gem install sass).
  3. Install Situs globally via npm (npm install situs -g).
  4. Clone Waves's Github repository, if you haven't already (git clone https://github.com/fians/Waves.git).
  5. Runnpm installto install the necessary local node packages.
  6. Install grunt globally withnpm install -g grunt-cli.
  7. Rungruntto watch the directory, or simplygrunt buildto do a single build.
  8. Now just start Situs server (situs server), then visit http://localhost:4000/ on your browser.
