迷你型 UI 库:Flippant.js

gww3 9年前

lippant.js 是 DOM 节点上的一个迷你型 UI 库。具有以下特征:


  • Flippant 极小,不依赖任何其他而存在

  • Flippant 易于自定义,只有几个参数和 CSS

  • Flippant 有一个独特功能:flippant.flip

迷你型 UI 库:Flippant.js

var front = document.getElementById('flipthis')    , back_content = "<h1>I'm the back!</h1>" // Generate or pull any HTML you want for the back.    , back     // when the correct action happens, call flip!  back = flippant.flip(front, back_content)  // this creates the back element, sizes it and flips it around.     // call the close method on the back element when it's time to close.  back.close()  // alternatively you can trigger a close event on the back element if you fancy.  var close_event = new CustomEvent('close')  back.dispatchEvent(close_event)
