使用Chakra JavaScript引擎的Node.js - Evented I/O for javascript

gww3 10年前

Node.js默认使用 V8 JavaScript 引擎。这个GitHub fork 让Node.js能够可选在Windows 10上使用Chakra JavaScript引擎,能够让Node.js运行在Windows on ARM上。

To build:

Prerequisites (Windows with Chakra):

* Windows 10 (latest)  * Python 2.6 or 2.7  * Visual Studio 2015 (RC or later)  * Windows 10 Tools (Bundled in Visual Studio 2015, or install separately.)

Windows with Chakra:

vcbuild chakra nosign [x86|x64|arm]

To build native addon modules with Chakra:

Assume [local_repo] is the dir of your local clone of this repo. Add your build of node.exe to the front of PATH:

set path=[local_repo]\release;%path%
