go-bootstrap - 一个 Go Web 项目生成器

jopen 9年前



  1. go get github.com/go-bootstrap/go-bootstrap

  2. $GOPATH/bin/go-bootstrap -dir github.com/{git-user}/{project-name}

  3. Start using it:cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/{git-user}/{project-name} && go run main.go



  1. PostgreSQL is chosen for the database.

  2. bcrypt is chosen as the password hasher.

  3. Bootstrap Flatly is chosen for the UI theme.

  4. Session is stored inside encrypted cookie.

  5. Static directory is located under/static.

  6. Model directory is located under/dal(Database Access Layer).

  7. It does not use ORM nor installs one.

  8. Test database is automatically created under$GO_BOOTSTRAP_PROJECT_NAME-test.

  9. A minimal Dockerfile is provided.

  10. A minimal Vagrantfile is provided.

  11. github.com/tools/godep is chosen to manage dependencies.

  12. github.com/jmoiron/sqlx is chosen to connect to a database.

  13. github.com/gorilla is chosen for a lot of the HTTP plumbings.

  14. github.com/carbocation/interpose is chosen as the middleware library.

  15. github.com/tylerb/graceful is chosen to enable graceful shutdown.

  16. github.com/mattes/migrate is chosen as the database migration tool.

  17. github.com/Sirupsen/logrus is chosen as the logging library.
