
jopen 10年前

neon 是 Nervana System 的深度学习软件。根据非死book一位研究者的基准测试,Nervana的软件比业界知名的深度学习工具性能都要高,包括非死book自己的Torch7和Nvidia的cuDNN

  • Tight integration with nervanagpu kernels for fp16 and fp32 (benchmarks) on Maxwell GPUs. These are the fastest implementations of the benchmark deep networks.
  • 4.3s/macrobatch on AlexNet on Titan X (Full run on 1 GPU ~ 45 hrs)
  • Out of the box fp16 AlexNet model that has the same accuracy as fp32
  • Integration with our fork (cudanet) of Alex Krizhevsky's cuda-convnet2 library for Kepler GPU support
  • Support for our distributed processor (Nervana Engine™) for deep learning.
