用 Swift 编写的异步 Web 图像加载器:KFSwiftImageLoader

bgn4 9年前

KFSwiftImageLoader 是一个高性能、轻量级、节能的、用 Swift 编写的异步 Web 图片加载器。

  • WKInterfaceImage, UIImageView, UIButton, and MKAnnotationView categories for asynchronous web image loading.
  • Memory and disk cache to prevent downloading images every time a request is made or when the app relaunches, with automatic cache management to optimize resource use.
  • Energy efficiency by sending only one HTTP/HTTPS request for image downloads from multiple sources that reference the same URL string, registering them as observers for the request.
  • Maximum peformance by utilizing the latest and greatest of modern technologies such as Swift 1.2, NSURLSession, and GCD.

用 Swift 编写的异步 Web 图像加载器:KFSwiftImageLoader
