Git LFS 是 Github 开发的一个 Git 的扩展,用于实现 Git 对大文件的支持。
Git LFS是一个命令行扩展和规范用于利用Git来管理大文件。其客户端采用Go开发,为Mac, Windows, Linux, and FreeBSD提供预编译好的binaries。
Large file versioning
Version large files—even those as large as a couple GB in size—with Git.
More repository space
Host more in your Git repositories. External file storage makes it easy to keep your repository at a manageable size.
Faster cloning and fetching
Download less data. This means faster cloning and fetching from repositories that deal with large files.
Same Git workflow
Work like you always do on Git—no need for additional commands, secondary storage systems, or toolsets.
Same access controls and permissions
Keep the same access controls and permissions for large files as the rest of your Git repository when working with a remote host like GitHub.