
jopen 10年前



To add this library to your project, add the following to yourbuild.gradle:

dependencies {      compile project(':slideDateTimePicker')  }

How to Use

(See SampleActivity for a more complete example)

First create a listener object:

private SlideDateTimeListener listener = new SlideDateTimeListener() {        @Override      public void onDateTimeSet(Date date)      {          // Do something with the date. This Date object contains          // the date and time that the user has selected.      }        @Override      public void onDateTimeCancel()      {          // Overriding onDateTimeCancel() is optional.      }  };

Then pass the listener into the builder and show the dialog:

new SlideDateTimePicker.Builder(getSupportFragmentManager())      .setListener(listener)      .setInitialDate(new Date())      .build()      .show();

Note that theDateobject that you pass in to.setInitialDate()should contain both the date and time that you wish to initially display.

To set the minimum date to display:


To set the maximum date to display:


The default time format is the current device's default, but you can force a 24-hour or 12-hour time format:

To force 24-hour time:


To force 12-hour time:


The default theme is Holo Light, but you can specify either Holo Light or Dark explicitly:




To specify the color for the sliding tab underline (indicator):


To specify the color of the horizontal divider lines in the DatePicker and TimePicker: You can also set a custom color for the horizontal divider lines in the DatePicker and TimePicker, but for this you have to paste your own version of selection_divider.9.png into the the library's drawable-xxxx folders that has your desired color. To do this, open selection_divider.9.png in a graphics editor, change the color, then paste your new files into the drawable-xxxx folders.
