iOS 手势处理:PSGestures
PSGestures 是一个让开发者处理手势的 iOS 库。
PSGestures is a library for iOS. It's designed to allow the developer to handle gestures without any code. Simple subclass your view from PSTransformableView to get pan, zoom and rotation working!
However, if you would like to dive deeper and implement custom gesture behavior, this library makes it possible, too; just set a delegate to your transformable view.
How To Get Started
- Import PSGestures.h file in your project
- Subclass your view from PSTransformableView
- Start the app and see the gestures working!
- iOS 7 and later
Create your own CustomView class and subclass it from PSTransformableView:
#import "PSGestures.h" @interface CustomView : PSTransformableView // Your class' public properties and methods @end
Then, create an instance of your CustomView class and bring it to some superview.
Now you can start the app and pan, zoom, and rotate the view. All gestures are handled automatically by PSTransformableView class.
Let's disable default implementation for some of gestures. It's possible this way:
[customView setGestureWithType:PSTransformableViewGestureTypePan enabled:NO]; [customView setGestureWithType:PSTransformableViewGestureTypePinch enabled:NO]; [customView setGestureWithType:PSTransformableViewGestureTypeRotation enabled:YES];
Also, you can check whether or not default gesture behavior is enabled:
BOOL isEnabled = [customView isGestureWithTypeEnabled:PSTransformableViewGestureTypeRotation];
When you would like to receive debug information regarding with gestures, or want to implement additional custom behavior, it's possible with the PSTransformableViewDelegate protocol:
#import "PSGestures.h" @interface CustomView : PSTransformableView<PSTransformableViewDelegate> @end
Implement the only method of this protocol in your view's .m file:
- (void)transformableView:(PSTransformableView *)view retrievedGestureOfType:(PSTransformableViewGestureType)type inState:(PSTransformableViewGestureState)state touchedPoints:(NSArray *)points { NSString *typeString = NSStringFromPSTransformableViewGestureType(type); NSString *stateString = NSStringFromPSTransformableViewGestureState(state); NSLog(@"Gesture of type %@ in state %@ with touch count %lu", typeString, stateString, (unsigned long)points.count); }
This method will receive gesture's type, state, and array of NSValue objects containing CGPoint for every one of the touched points. So, this method only tells you as much as all existing UIGestureRecognizer subclasses together. PSGestures provides all needed information without the need to write gesture selectors.