- Generate canonical, neat change log file, followed by basic change log guidlines
- Possible to generate Unreleased changes (closed issues that have not released yet)
- GitHub Enterprise support via command line options!
- Flexible format customisation:
- Customize issues, that should be added to changelog
- Custom date format supported (but get in mind ISO 8601 )
- Ability to manually specify in which version issue was fixed (in case, when closed date is not match) by settingmilestoneof issue the same name as tag of required version
- Automatically exclude specific issues, not-related to change log (any issue, that has labelquestionduplicateinvalidwontfixby default)
- Customize issues, that should be added to changelog
Distinguish issues according labels.
- Merged pull requests (allmergedpull-requests)
- Bug fixes (by labelbugin issue)
- Enhancements (by labelenhancementin issue)
- Issues (closed issuesw/o any labels)
- Merged pull requests (allmergedpull-requests)
You can manually set which labels should be included/excluded.
- Apply a lot of other customisations, to fit changelog for your personal style
(lookgithub_changelog_generator --helpfor details)