Criterion: 一个简单要死的C编程语言测试框架
一个简单要死,但可扩展的C测试框架。它是一个符合KISS(Keep It Simple, Stupid)原则(懒人原则)的非侵入式C语言测试框架。与其它测试框架不同,它简单易用,声明即注册,实时报告测试进度和统计数据。
- Tests are automatically registered when declared.
- A default entry point is provided, no need to declare a main unless you want to do special handling.
- Test are isolated in their own process, crashes and signals can be reported and tested.
- Progress and statistics can be followed in real time with report hooks.
Given a test file named test.c, compile it with-lcriterion:
$ gcc -o test test.c -lcriterion