类似 Github Pages 服务的功能:GitLab Pages
该项目的目的是为 Gitlab 实现类似 Github Pages 服务的功能。
Step 1) Create your deploy key pair
Create a SSH key pair for GitLab to use as deploy keys.
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "example@email.com" -f "$(pwd)/keys/id_rsa"
They should be in pathkeys/id_rsaandkeys/id_rsa.pub.
Step 2) Configure GitLab Pages server
Clone this repo and install it's necessary dependencies:
# Already cloned repo npm install bower install
Copy default config to custom config file.
cp default_config.js _config.js
Edit your new _config.js file for your setup.
Step 3) Start your GitLab Pages server
And start the server!
npm start