本地化Android App的Android Studio/IntelliJ IDEA插件:AndroidLocalizationer
这是一个 Android Studio/ IntelliJ IDEA 插件用于本地化你的 Android app,能够自动翻译你的String resources。
Translate all your strings in your string resources(e.g.strings.xml) to your target languages automactically. Help developers localize their Android app easily, with just one click.
Right click the strings resource file, choose 'Convert to other languages'.
Then check the target languages.
After clickingOK, the string resources will be translated and created in the correct value folder.
Filter the strings you don't wanna translate by addingNAL_prefix to thestring key, case sensitive. Change:
<string name="flurry_id">FLURRY_ID</string>
<string name="NAL_flurry_id">FLURRY_ID</string> -
Filter the strings you don't wanna translate by addingfilter rulein plugin settings interface
Set client id or client secret for Microsoft Translator, in case of running out of quota.
Set Google API key to use Google Translation API, you need to do this, at the Public API access section of the Credentials page, create a new Browser key. Please NOTE that this is a paid service.