基于Bootstrap 3.x的免费高级管理控制面板主题:AdminLTE
AdminLTE 是一个基于Bootstrap 3.x的免费高级管理控制面板主题。AdminLTE - 是一个完全响应式管理模板。基于Bootstrap3框架。高度可定制的,易于使用。适合从小型移动设备到大型台式机很多的屏幕分辨率。
在线预览: http://almsaeedstudio.com/preview/

Special Features:
- Fully responsive
- Enhanced for printing
- Sortable dashboard widgets
- 18 plugins and 3 custom plugins
- Light weight and fast
- Compatible with most major browsers
- Full support for Glyphicons, Fontawesome and Ion icons
Featured Pages:
- Dashboard
- Mailbox
- Calendar
- Invoice
- Lockscreen
- Login
- Register
- 404 Error
- 500 Error
- Blank page
Featured Plugins:
- Boostrap Slider
- Ion slider
- Bootstrap WYSIHTML5
- CKEditor
- Bootstrap Colorpicker
- Bootstrap Date range Picker
- Bootstrap Time Picker
- Data Tables
- Flot
- Morris.js
- Sparkilne
- Full Calendar
- iCheck
- jQuery input mask
- jQuery Knob
- jVector Map
- Slim Scroll
- Pace
- Bootstrap Social Buttons
- IE 9+
- Firefox 5+
- Chrome 14+
- Safari 5+
- Opera 11+