高并发Key/Value 内存数据库服务器:KVStore

jopen 10年前

KVStore: 175行Haskell语言编写的高并发Key/Value 内存数据库服务器,去掉空行,只有区区150行。特点是高并发,超级快!客户端用Python编写。

It's highly concurrent and pretty fast.

To build and run:
cabal sandbox init  cabal install --only-dependencies  cabal run KVServer +RTS -N<number of cores>  cabal run KVClient +RTS -N<number of cores>

or, with dependencies installed:

ghc -O2 -threaded Client.hs  ghc -O2 -threaded Server.hs  ./Server +RTS -N<number of cores>  ./Client +RTS -N<number of cores>

To run the Python client:

python3 Client.py
