使用GitBook来编写书籍的编辑器: GitBook Editor

jopen 10年前

这个应用是一个用于编写书籍的简单编辑器。它用在 Windows, Linux (32 and 64bits) 和Mac系统中。

使用GitBook来编写书籍的编辑器: GitBook Editor


Download it from gitbook.io.


  1. Download gitbook-mac.dmg
  2. Open the file
  3. Copy the Codebox application to your mac's Applications folder
  4. Open it and start working


  1. Download gitbook-linux32.tar.gz
  2. Extract it using: tar -xvzf gitbook-linux32.tar.gz
  3. Run the installation script cd GitBook && ./install.sh
  4. There is now a shortcut on your desktop
  5. Open it and start working

在 Windows 上安装它:

  1. Download gitbook-win.zip
  2. Extract it using a ZIP tool
  3. Copy the GitBook folder to your desktop
  4. Open GitBook.exe and start working
