
jopen 10年前


对Web开发人员有用的工具/框架/事件 BrowserSync makes your workflow faster by synchronising URLs, interactions and code changes across multiple devices. It’s wicked-fast and totally free. Features: Action Sync - your scroll, click, refresh and form actions are mirrored too; Back-end Independence - ready to use with websites running on PHP, ASP, Rails and more; Instantly sync between your desktop, tablet and phone; Grunt and Gulp plugins; support Windows, MacOS and Linux. It's the best Live Reload tool ever.

npm install -g browser-sync    // Using a an IP based host  browser-sync --proxy "" --files "app/css/*.css"


A very useful thing with which you can easy to put all the images in your project into a Data URI with replacement in CSS.

npm install -g imacss      $ imacss "~/projects/webapp/images/*.{svg,png}" images.css


var imacss = require('imacss');    imacss      .transform('/path/to/your/images/*.png')      .on('error', function (err) {          error('Transforming images failed: ' + err);      })      .pipe(process.stdout);


No databases, no programming, no headaches. A simple javascript shopping cart that you can setup in minutes. It's lightweight, fast, simple to use, and completely customizable. All you need to know is basic HTML.


对Web开发人员有用的工具/框架/事件 RAD is a MV* mobile framework, whose main purpose is to relieve the developer from mobile routine. It allows to build a single-page application that looks and feels as a conventional multi-page one. It also takes over system-level tasks, such as message bus, creating and deleting certain part instances of the application, transactions between views, etc.


对Web开发人员有用的工具/框架/事件 Gteat open source Mac app for to help to creating icon fonts.

