freactive是一个高性能,纯Clojurescript,声明式DOM库。它使用 hiccup 风格的语法和Clojurer内置deref和atom模式。它受 reagent, om 和 reflex 启发(和作者开发桌面GUI框架 QML, JavaFX 和 WPF 的经验)。 See it in action!
- Provide a simple, intuitive API that should be almost obvious to those familiar with Clojure (inspiration from reagent)
- Allow for high-performance rendering good enough for animated graphics based on a purely declarative syntax
- Allow for reactive binding of any attribute, style property or child node
- Allow for coordinated management of state via cursors (inspiration from om)
- Provide deeply-integrated animation support
- Allow for cursors based on paths as well as lenses
- Provide a generic items view component for efficient viewing of large data sets
- Minimize unnecessary triggering of update events
- Coordinate all updates via requestAnimationFrame wherever possible
- Be easy to debug
- Be written in pure Clojurescript
- Provide support for older browsers via polyfills (not yet implemented)