
jopen 10年前


Quick Start Guide

$> git clone https://github.com/klarna/ponos.git  $> cd ponos  $> make  $> erl -pa ebin -s ponos  1> Args = [ {name, unique_name_of_type_atom}  1>        , {task, fun() -> ok end}  1>        , {load_spec, ponos_load_specs:make_constant(10.0)}  1>        ].  2> ponos:add_load_generators([Args]).  3> ponos:init_load_generators().  4> application:stop(ponos).

负载生成器Load Generators


  • Name
    • A unique identifier (of type atom()) used to reference the load generator.
  • Task
    • A callback function of arity 0; the work to be performed in accordance with LoadSpec.
    • </ul> </li>
    • LoadSpec
      • The load specification defines the characteristic of the load. It is a function that maps time to intensity: fun(T) -> I where T is passed time in milliseconds and I is the intensity expressed as calls per second. The user may define its own specification, but ponos provides typical load patterns such as constant load, bursts, staircase, and sawtooth. Seeponos_load_specs for a full list of load specifications.
      • </ul> </li> </ul>
