简化 iOS 和 OS X 的 SQLite 3 使用:Camembert
Camembert 是一采用 Swift 编写的工具,用于简化 iOS 和 OS X 的 SQLite 3 使用,你可以用一种非常简单的方式存储所有数据。
Create a new element
var newBook = Book() newBook.title = "La Fontaine : Fables" newBook.numberPage = 544 newBook.currentPage = 43 newBook.push()
As you can see for creating a new element, you just need to create a new object, and call the push method. If the table doest not exist yet, it will be created automatly.
Update element
var newBook = Book() newBook.title = "La Fontaine : Fables" newBook.numberPage = 544 newBook.currentPage = 43 newBook.push() //... newBook.currentPage = 103 newBook.update()