Video++是一个视频和图像处理库利用C ++14标准,以易化快速的视频和图像处理应用程序的编写。其主要特点是:
- 通用的N-维图像的容器。Generic N-dimentional image containers.
- 一系列的图像处理算法。A growing set of image processing algorithms.
- 零成本的抽象轻松地编写多核CPU的SIMD处理器的图像处理算法。Zero-cost abstractions to easily write image processing algorithms for multicore SIMD CPU processors.
- An embeded language to evalute image expressions.
测试过的编译器: G++ 4.9.1, Clang++ 3.5.0 Dependencies:
- the iod library
- Eigen 3
Because Video++ relies on C++14 features, only compilers fully supporting this standard are able to compile the library.