
jopen 10年前



Simple usage:

use Formativ\Query\BuilderProxy;  use Formativ\Query\RunnerProxy;    $builder = BuilderProxy::select("*")      ->from("processes")      ->limit(5);    RunnerProxy::run($builder, function(array $data) {      // use $data  }, function($error) {      // log $error  });

Custom factories:

use Formativ\Query\BuilderProxy;  use Formativ\Query\Factory\BuilderFactory;  use Formativ\Query\Factory\RunnerFactory;  use Formativ\Query\RunnerProxy;    class CustomBuilderFactory extends BuilderFactory  {      public function newInstance()      {          // ...      }  }    $builder = BuilderProxy::with(new CustomBuilderFactory())      ->select("*")      ->from("processes")      ->limit(5);    class CustomRunnerFactory extends RunnerFactory  {      public function newInstance()      {          // ...      }  }    RunnerProxy::with(new CustomRunnerFactory())      ->run($builder, function(array $data) {          // use $data      }, function($error) {          // log $error      });
  • BuilderProxy::with() and BuilderProxy::select() create new instances of BuilderProxy.
  • BuilderProxy::with($factory) is the same as new BuilderProxy($factory)
  • RunnerProxy::with() and RunnerProxy::run() create new instances of RunnerProxy.
  • RunnerProxy::with($factory) is the same as new RunnerProxy($factory)
