iOS 文件管理:FCFileManager
FCFileManager 是一个构建在 NSFileManager 之上的 iOS 文件管理工具,简化了文件管理。它提供了许多静态方法,用于执行最常用的操作用几行代码。它的工作原理是默认的文件目录,允许使用相对路径,但它可以在任何其他目录中轻松工作。
- Build paths relative to absolute directories (FCFileManager works by default in the Documents directory, so you must build absolute paths only if you need to work outside of the Documents directory)
- Copy files/directories
- Create files/directories
- Check if files/directory exists
- Get files/directories attributes (creation date, size, ...)
- List files/directories
- Move files/directories
- Read/Write files content in different formats (arrays, custom models, data, dictionaries, images, json, strings, ... )
- Remove files/directories
- Rename files/directories
- Directories are created on the fly
- Error handling as using NSFileManager
//my file path, this will be automatically used as it's relative to the Documents directory NSString *testPath = @"test.txt"; //my file path relative to the temporary directory path NSString *testPathTemp = [FCFileManager pathForTemporaryDirectoryWithPath:testPath]; /* All shortcuts suppported: pathForApplicationSupportDirectory; pathForCachesDirectory; pathForDocumentsDirectory; pathForMainBundleDirectory; pathForPlistNamed:(NSString *)name; //look for {{ name }}.plist in the main bundle directory pathForTemporaryDirectory; */
//copy file from Documents directory (public) to ApplicationSupport directory (private) NSString *testPath = [FCFileManager pathForApplicationSupportDirectoryWithPath:@"test-copy.txt"]; [FCFileManager copyItemAtPath:@"test.txt" toPath:testPath];
//create file and write content to it (if it doesn't exist) [FCFileManager createFileAtPath:@"test.txt" withContent:@"File management has never been so easy!!!"];
Create directories:
//create directories tree for the given path (in this case in the Documents directory) [FCFileManager createDirectoriesForPath:@"/a/b/c/d/"];
Check if file exists:
//check if file exist and returns YES or NO BOOL testFileExists = [FCFileManager existsItemAtPath:@"test.txt"];
Move file:
//move file from a path to another and returns YES or NO [FCFileManager moveItemAtPath:@"test.txt" toPath:@"tests/test.txt"];
Read file:
//read file from path and returns its content (NSString in this case) NSString *test = [FCFileManager readFileAtPath:@"test.txt"];
Remove file:
//remove file at the specified path [FCFileManager removeItemAtPath:@"test.txt"];
Rename file:
//rename file at the specified path with the new name [FCFileManager renameItemAtPath:@"test.txt" withName:@"test-renamed.txt"];
Write file:
NSArray *testContent = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:@"t", @"e", @"s", @"t", nil]; //write file at the specified path with content [FCFileManager writeFileAtPath:@"test.txt" content:testContent];