
jopen 10年前


Check out the sample folder, but basically you have to create an adapter class like this and annotate the view types with @ViewType and provide some more information in its annotation:

public class SampleAdapter extends SupportAnnotatedAdapter                              implements SampleAdapterBinder {       /**     * Specify a view type by annotating a public final int with @ViewType.     * Like for any other adapter the view types must be start with an integer = 0     */    @ViewType(        layout = R.layout.row_medium,   // The layout that will be inflated for this view type        fields = {                      // The fields of the view holder          @Field(              id = R.id.textView,       // The id of this view              name = "text",            // The name of this field in the generated ViewHolder              type = TextView.class)    // The type (class) of view in the generated view holder              }          }     )    public final int mediumRow = 0;     // The annotated ViewType constant           @ViewType(          layout = R.layout.row_with_pic,          fields = {              @Field(id = R.id.textView, name = "text", type = TextView.class),              @Field(id = R.id.imageView, name = "image", type = ImageView.class)          }      )    public final int rowWithPic = 1;       List<String> items;       public SampleAdapter(Context context, List<String> items) {      super(context);      this.items = items;    }       /**     * Get the number of items like in any other adapter     */    @Override public int getItemCount() {      return items == null ? 0 : items.size();    }       /**     * Determine the view type for the cell at position (like you would do in any other adpater)     */    @Override public int getItemViewType(int position) {      if (position % 2 == 0)          return mediumRow;      else          return rowWithPic;      }    }       /**     * Bind the data to this view type mediumRow; MediumRowViewHolder was generated     */    @Override public void bindViewHolder(SampleAdapterHolders.MediumRowViewHolder vh,          int position) {           String str = items.get(position);        vh.text.setText(str);      }         /**       * Bind the data to this view type rowWithPic; RowWithPicViewHolder was generated       */      @Override public void bindViewHolder(SampleAdapterHolders.RowWithPicViewHolder vh,          int position) {           String str = items.get(position);        vh.text.setText(str);        vh.image.setImageResource(R.drawable.ic_launcher);      }     }
