一个支持多主复制和合并的数据库,基于 leveldb, fwdb 和 scuttleup实现。
使用var mmm = require('multi-master-merge') var level = require('level') var mdb = mmm(level('data.db'), {encoding:'utf-8'}) mdb.put('hello', 'world', function(err, doc) { console.log('Inserted:', doc) mdb.get('hello', function(err, docs) { console.log('"hello" contains the following:', docs) }) })
// a and b are two database instances var s1 = a.sync() // open a sync stream for db a var s2 = b.sync() // open a sync stream for db b s1.pipe(s2).pipe(s1) // pipe them together to start replicating
Updates will now be replicated between the two instances. If two databases inserts a document on the same key both of them will be present if you do a mdb.get(key)
a.put('hello', 'a') b.put('hello', 'b') setTimeout(function() { a.get('hello', function(err, docs) { console.log(docs) // will print [{peer:..., value:'a'}, {peer:..., value:'b'}] }) }, 1000) // wait a bit for the inserts to replicate