iOS 通用缓存:HanekeSwift

jopen 10年前

Haneke 是个采用 Swift 编写的轻量级 iOS 通用缓存。示例:


let cache = Cache<NSData>("my-files")

Haneke 同时包括一个零配置的图片缓存,可以自动缩放。 示例:



let cache = Cache<JSON>("movies")  let URL = NSURL(string: "")  cache.fetch(URL: URL).onSuccess { JSON in      // Do something with JSON  }


  • Generic cache with out-of-the-box support for UIImage, NSData, JSON and String
  • First-level memory cache using NSCache
  • Second-level LRU disk cache using the file system
  • Asynchronous fetching of original values from network or disk
  • All disk access is performed in background
  • Thread-safe
  • Automatic cache eviction on memory warnings or disk capacity reached
  • Comprehensive unit tests
  • Extensible by defining custom formats, supporting additional types or implementing custom fetchers
