纯 Swift 封装的 SQLite 框架:SQLite.swift

jopen 10年前

SQLite.swift 是一个使用纯 Swift 语言封装 SQLite3 的操作框架。


  • 简单的查询和参数绑定接口

  • 安全、自动类型数据访问

  • 隐式提交和回滚接口

  • 开发者友好的错误处理和调试

  • 文档完善

  • 通过广泛测试

纯 Swift 封装的 SQLite 框架:SQLite.swift

import SQLite     let db = Database("path/to/db.sqlite3")     db.execute(      "CREATE TABLE users (" +          "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, " +          "email TEXT NOT NULL UNIQUE, " +          "manager_id INTEGER, " +          "FOREIGN KEY(manager_id) REFERENCES users(id)" +      ")"  )     let stmt = db.prepare("INSERT INTO users (email) VALUES (?)")  for email in ["alice@example.com", "betsy@example.com"] {      stmt.run(email)  }     db.totalChanges // 2  db.lastChanges  // {Some 1}  db.lastID       // {Some 2}     for row in db.prepare("SELECT id, email FROM users") {      println(row)      // [Optional(1), Optional("betsy@example.com")]      // [Optional(2), Optional("alice@example.com")]  }     db.scalar("SELECT count(*) FROM users") // {Some 2}     let jr = db.prepare("INSERT INTO users (email, manager_id) VALUES (? ?)")  db.transaction(      stmt.run("dolly@example.com"),      jr.run("emery@example.com", db.lastID)  )


Note: SQLite.swift requires Swift 1.1 (available in Xcode 6.1).

To install SQLite.swift:

  1. Drag the SQLite.xcodeproj file into your own project. (Submodule, clone, or download the project first.)


  2. In your target’s Build Phases, add SQLite iOS (or SQLite Mac) to the Target Dependencies build phase.

  3. Add the appropriate SQLite.framework product to theLink Binary With Libraries build phase.

  4. Add the same SQLite.framework to a Copy Files build phase with aFrameworks destination. (Add a new build phase if need be.)
