
jopen 10年前

Android的水平ListView。基于官方 ListView Google 代码。这个库还包含一个 ExpandableHListView,同样是基于官方ExpandableListView


它支持ListView控件的大部功能。有支持像在属性的细微差别"hlv_dividerWidth"代替默认的 "dividerHeight".

This is the styleable used for the HListView class:

    <declare-styleable name="HListView">          <attr name="android:entries" />          <attr name="android:divider" />          <attr name="hlv_dividerWidth" format="dimension" />          <attr name="hlv_headerDividersEnabled" format="boolean" />          <attr name="hlv_footerDividersEnabled" format="boolean" />          <attr name="hlv_overScrollHeader" format="reference|color" />          <attr name="hlv_overScrollFooter" format="reference|color" />                    <!--           When "wrap_content" is used as value of the layout_height property.          Pass the position, inside the adapter, of the view being used to measure the view          or '-1' to use the default behavior ( default is -1 )          -->          <attr name="hlv_measureWithChild" format="integer" />      </declare-styleable>              <declare-styleable name="AbsHListView">          <attr name="android:listSelector" />          <attr name="android:smoothScrollbar" />          <attr name="android:drawSelectorOnTop" />          <attr name="android:cacheColorHint" />          <attr name="android:scrollingCache" />          <attr name="android:choiceMode" />                    <attr name="hlv_stackFromRight" format="boolean" />          <attr name="hlv_transcriptMode">              <enum name="disabled" value="0"/>              <enum name="normal" value="1" />              <enum name="alwaysScroll" value="2" />          </attr>                </declare-styleable>  

