单页 Web 应用引擎:Senna
Senna 是一个单页 Web 应用的开发引擎。提供很多底层 API 让你构建时髦的 Web 应用,只有大约 8k 左右的 JavaScript 包,无需依赖其他。
浏览器支持 IE 10+ 、最新版的 Firefox、Chrome、Safari 和 Opera。Features
Senna is a blazing-fast single page application engine that provides several low-level APIs that allows you to build modern web-based applications with only ~8KB of JavaScript without any dependency.
Bookmarkability & SEO
When using a single page app, sending a link to a friend should get them where we were. More than that, a search engine spider should be able to index that same content.
History Navigation
Forget hashbangs (#!), by using HTML5's History API we can manipulate the user's browser session history in JavaScript using pushState, replaceState and the popstate event. That way you can use browser's back/forward buttons again.
UI Feedback & Transitions
When some content is requested, it indicates to the user that something is happening. You can also define different kinds of CSS animations to use during state transitions.
Cacheable Screens
Once you load a certain surface this content can be cached in memory and be retrieved later on without any additional request.