
jopen 10年前


FastLZ 压缩 10 亿字节的文本文件,更多内容请看基准测试结果


支持 Microsoft Windows, Linux,其他 Unix 系统,甚至是 DOS。在 x86, Itanium 和 UltraSPARC 机器上也能运行的很好。

blazing fast
FastLZ is very fast and thus suitable for real-time compression and decompression. Perfect to gain more space with almost zero effort.

免费的,开源的,可移植的实时压缩库:FastLZ "F" for freedom
Distributed under the permissive MIT license, FastLZ can be used in any open-source applications as well as proprietary applications.

免费的,开源的,可移植的实时压缩库:FastLZ no compromise
FastLZ is very lightweight, threadsafe and has extremely low overhead. Decompression even requires no memory. And that is still with portable ANSI C.

免费的,开源的,可移植的实时压缩库:FastLZ everyone is created equal
Runs just fine under Microsoft Windows, Linux, other Unix variants, and even DOS. Works equally well in x86, Itanium and UltraSPARC
