嵌入式 BSD 系统:RetroBSD
RetroBSD 是Unix 2.11BSD 的一个移植版本,主要用于固定内存映射的嵌入式系统。当前目标是 Microchip PIC32 微控制器,包含 128K 内存和 512K 闪存。PIC32 处理器使用 MIPS M4K 架构,可执行数据内存和在用户和核心模式下的灵活的 RAM 分区。
- Small resource requirements. RetroBSD needs only 128 kbytes of RAM to be up and running user applications.
- Memory protection. Kernel memory is fully protected from user application using hardware mechanisms.
- Open functionality. Usually, user application is fixed in Flash memory - but in case of RetroBSD, any number of applications could be placed into SD card, and run as required.
- Real multitasking. Standard POSIX API is implemented (fork, exec, wait4 etc).
- Development system on-board. It is possible to have C compiler in the system, and to recompile the user application (or the whole operating system) when needed.
- Olimex Pinguino-Micro board with PIC32MX795F512H microcontroller.
- Fubarino SD board with PIC32MX795F512H microcontroller.
- MikroElektronika multimedia board for PIC32MX7.